Energy Healing
Energy healing treatments involve working with an individuals’ energy field in order to restore and rebalance it back to its most healthy vibration.
We are emotional beings and the root cause of all imbalance is emotion that has not been processed properly, this imbalance will appear in the energy field before it manifests as a symptom or health condition.
Energy healing is a natural ancient form of healing. It is preventative medicine and by clearing any imbalance in your energy field before it manifests as a symptom or health condition raises your vibration, boosts your immune system and moves you towards self-healing.

This is because everything, including us – is energy.
Your body is energy and you have a luminous energy field which holds information about you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. We live in an energy field, the Earth, animals, plants and the Cosmos are all energy.
Alison places her hands above the body moving them to transmute the energy, it is a non – touch treatment. Healing lights up the Meridian energy pathway points of which there are many all over the body. When energy isn’t flowing at the correct vibration these lights go out. The body is light and should be lit up. As these energy points light up Alison sees them as a blue light, this means that the circuit is running correctly.
She can see, feel and hear the energy in different forms, including light vibrations of chakra colours which come through her and appear over different parts of the body to heal and rebalance. So not only is it preventative it may also help release any symptoms that you already have.
We are made up of all the elements and Five element healing which is used in Chinese medicine and acupuncture is naturally present during her treatments. An example of this is the water element which represents emotion. As this imbalance leaves the energy field Alison will feel this as water landing on different parts of her body, although there is no water physically present it is the information of water. If it is a more intense amount of water imbalance it will filter through her. Sometimes the person can release it themselves.
There are many other examples of imbalance leaving the body. Alison’s philosophy is to see what unfolds naturally, as energy has its own intelligence, it knows what to do, how to do it and how to unfold for you.
Each session can be different. People enjoy these natural treatments and may experience different sensations and visuals, if so, these will be part of their own journey of healing, raising their level of consciousness and personal development.
A consultation is included on your first appointment and feedback is given after each treatment. Your energy starts to rebalance from session 1, so for maximum results a minimum course of 6 is highly recommended.
You are of course welcome to book appointments suited to your individual needs and there are no limitations to the amount of treatments you can have.

Remote Healing
If you are not able to attend an appointment in person you can book remote healing. The sessions can be done live via social media or by providing a photograph.
Energy is not limited to time and space; it knows no bounds. An instant connection can be made between Alison and the recipient.

Animal Healing
This is the same method of healing as for people. It is a non-touch ancient natural treatment. Animals respond well to healing and can sense that they are being helped. My observations and that of their owners have supported this. It is suitable for all health, emotional and behavioural conditions.
Animal healing works well alongside veterinary care.
A consultation is included on the first appointment and feedback is given after each treatment. Energy starts to rebalance from session 1, so for maximum results a minimum course of 6 is highly recommended.
You are of course welcome to book appointments suited to your animal’s individual needs and there are no limitations to the amount of treatments they can have.